Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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Rediscovering Our Sacred Texts to Make a Difference in a Broken World

Saturday, March 14
11:00 am

Richardson Room

Join us for a conversation with our Muslim friends, Imam Bilal Ankaya, Associate Imam Mehmet Ayaz, and others from the Institute of Islamic and Turkish Studies and the Ezher Bloom Mosque.  The day will begin at 11:00 a.m. with a presentation as we explore some of the challenging texts of both Christianity and Islam, and will conclude with a potluck luncheon.  We come together with the responsibility to be stewards of the texts of our traditions as we seek peace and reconciliation in our world.

Please bring a covered dish to share.  (No pork and no alcohol in what you cook, please.)

To sign up, please contact St. Barnabas' at stbarnabaschurch@outlook.com or 703-941-2922.  Child care will be provided, so please indicate the names and ages of children who will attend.